Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong 


All CEDoW staff and students are able to borrow eBooks and Audiobooks (via Sora) from our Inter-Diocesan Library called Australian Catholic Education Network (ACEN). 

To access this service, either

Getting started with Sora

How to access Sora

Sora login

Sora Accessibility Features

Sora Accessibility

Student FAQ's

Staff FAQ's

How many books can we borrow?

How long can we have a book for?

How do I return a book?

Can I return it early?

If I don’t finish the book, can I renew it?

Can I borrow books on the weekend or holidays?

Do I need the internet to borrow?

The book I want to borrow someone else has, how do I place a hold?

The book I want isn’t in the library!

I have to study a book, can I highlight and make notes?

I want to keep the notes after the book is returned

What can I do if I don’t know the meaning of a word?

If I tap the 3 horizontal lines top right corner, what does Nickname mean?


Do Staff have their own access to Sora or is it only for Students?

I’m not based at a school, I’m in the CEO office. Can I still use Sora?

I’d like my students to view the text while I read/discuss the story.

The title we are studying is not in Sora

We are studying a text for a longer period than Sora allows

I have a student with a Print Disability and the required text is difficult for the student to access when in print format

The default reading settings are not ideal, is it possible to adjust to suit student’s needs?

We have shared iPads, can our students still use Sora?

I would like students to be able to read the text while hearing the text read aloud, is this possible?

I understand the majority of the collection will be for students, is it possible to have some titles for Staff?

Why is this library called ACEN and not the Diocese of Wollongong?

Can parents have access to SORA?

When I search Oliver I can see eBooks and Audiobooks, are they Sora books?

OverDrive Advantage Account

ACEN_Advantage May 2020